Im not trolling you man, im having a mature human conversation if u cant handle it, is your fault, also its embarrasing that u that u are being trolled. Man that guy in that other thread will not stop trolling me. If its not left alone graphically, a decent 2.5D version with everything else intact would be nice. It's beautifully done, but I'm not so sure it fits Castlevania. As much as I enjoy Dragon's Crown, I'm not sure Vanillaware's art style should be applied to the games. We’d suggest PPSSPP it’s open source, fast and one of the most frequently updated. Step 1: you can start by downloading a reliable and bug free emulator. The second component is the Castlevania: Symphony of the Night rom itself to play on the emulator.

I used to have the PS version, I have Dracula X Chronicles for the the PSP (and might consider buying the download version so I can play on my Vita, which gets more used these days than my PSP), while I haven't played the XBLA or Saturn versions.Īside from SOTN, I'd agree with Rondo of Blood, SCIV and a few of the GBA games. The first component is the emulation program which can imitate the psp OS and software. Nguyên văn bởi Revelation 23:Yeah, I wouldn't mind SOTN brought to the PC, maybe even with a few minor enhancements that actually show that whoever's in charge has put in some effort to make sure it works right and does the game justice.