– Copy and paste the texture units of the DPOW sections – Support the drag & drop for opening files and images – More extensive information about the images – Search and replace HEX (space delimited hex values) – Small fixes and new features for 24b PNG – Import/export colorful images, stored in FNT blocks – Fixed bug in processing 8-bit PNG appeared in 2.8.0. – Added Russian language interface (set editor = 1 in settings.ini) – Now expanding slots (for example logos, adboards, etc.) is made simple (right mb click -> duplicate) – Added export all images from the one bin to folder function – ZLIB.NET [Copyright (c) 2006-2007, ComponentAce – HexBox img files by import and export unnamed_*.bin – Import and export blocks of unnamed_ *. – Edit files and blocks in the HEX mode without using zlib / unzlib Goldorakiller, joker5 (skill cards offsets) Tottimas, peu_cabral, and (information about in-game languages) Pat (skills average marks calculation formulas).Program is aimed to enhance the convenience of editing. Added feature to edit data about tournament statuses of a team

Added feature to open dt0f.img without the need of pre-open dt04.img Added feature to edit leagues structure Added feature to relink kits to dt0f.img slots Added feature to edit dt0f.img of the full game Added feature to edit country and type of the Copa Libertadores clubs Added feature to relink banners of the Libertadores clubs Added feature to import(export) the emblems of the Copa Libertadores clubs Added feature to edit country and type of the national team/club Added feature to preview player's hairstyle Added feature to import(export) the emblems of the national team/club Added feature to open a folder instead of *.img Added feature to rename face/kit bins in folder Added feature to open Copa Libertadores bin separately Added copy/paste buttons for player parameters (copy/paste from/to UE 2011 is supported) Added copy/paste buttons for kits settings (Kitserver configs are supported) Added feature to edit team name in all 19 languages with no need to change Settings.ini

Added tools tab (so far it's not fully functional) Added feature to edit some wrong-formed img Added support of new players' skill cards Added indicators of load/save processes Added feature to change Capitan, PK takers, etc. Added feature to change standard hairstyles (without preview) From now the values of the numerical inputs are automatically selected when focused Allowed to edit Copa Libertadores teams and players

Allows to change players characteristics