
The moomins and the great flood pdf
The moomins and the great flood pdf

the moomins and the great flood pdf

#I#d got lost and thought I would wo uld never see the sun again)# &o they continued all a ll three of them ta"ing a large tulip with them to light the way. (ut perhaps you#d li"e to come with us-#1ather)# said the small creature leaping out towards them. #/ou #/ou see we#re loo"ing for a nice sunny place to build a house in. Are you in a great hurry-#/es#/es# said Moominmamma. #I was sitting there feeling ve ry sad and was longing for company. I hope we didn#t disturb you.# /ou /ou can see that his mother had taught him to be polite.0 #That#s all right# said the small creature. #I#m a moomintroll# answered Moomintroll who had got his courage bac". #+hat are you-# as"ed the small creature. Then they saw that there really was a very small creature sitting there and that it loo"ed friendly and a little startled. ,verything loo"s worse in the dar" you "now.# And she pic"ed one of the big flower$lamps and shone it into the shadow.

the moomins and the great flood pdf

+ait +ait and I#ll shine a light on it. At first Moominmamma was frightened too but then she calmed down* #I thin" it#s a very small creature. From the shadows behind a tree$trun" two eyes were staring at them. #Loo")# he said so frightened that his tail stuc" straight out. (ut I hope we#re so small that we won#t be noticed if something dangerous should come along.# &uddenly Moomintroll gripped his mother tightly by the arm. #!ardly# she said #though we#d perhaps better go a little faster anyway. Little by little Moomintroll began to feel an'ious and he as"ed his mother if she thought there were any dangerous creatures in there. &o they wal"ed on further and further into the silence and the dar"ness. Moomins cannot stand the cold at all so the house would have to be ready by %ctober at the latest. They were searching for a nice warm place where they could build a house to crawl into when winter came. #Glow$worms# said Moominmamma but they had no time to stop and ta"e a closer loo" at them. !ere and there giant flowers grew glowing with a peculiar light li"e flic"ering lamps and furthest in among the shadows small cold green points moved.

the moomins and the great flood pdf

It was completely quiet and so dim between the trees that it was as though twilight had already fallen. It must have been late in the afternoon one day at the end of August when Moomintroll and his mother arrived at the deepest part of the great forest.

the moomins and the great flood pdf

In the original Swedish its title is The is The Little Trolls and the Great Flood.

The moomins and the great flood pdf